Monday, April 2, 2012

The Beginning

This is the beginning of many posts I have rolling around in my mind. I am a firefighters wife, and I am a housewife. I clean house, do dishes, do laundry, take care of our pets, and try to pamper my husband when he comes home from a 24 hour shift at the fire station. I have had many people tell me they would never be able to be a housewife, but I thoroughly enjoy it. I get an immense satisfaction when I can step back and admire a very clean house, knowing I worked my butt off to get it that way. I also thoroughly enjoy being a firefighter's wife. Some people say it is really hard, but loving my husband makes it extremely easy. I don't think it's much different than being any other kind of wife, but I suppose I wouldn't know, because I've never been any other kind of wife, and I never will! I decided to start this blog because sometimes sitting at home alone, on hubby's shift days, I have things going through my mind. Sometimes it's about his job, sometimes it's about cleaning. It's always something different, so I figured I would make an outlet, where people could read, be entertained, or maybe even put in their opinion on the matter. I already have the first topic ready, so I'll probably post it later. See you soon!

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